Reversible traditional plow

Our product is designed to plow the subsoil to a depth of 8-14 inches and 15-20 inches laterally. The plow can easily work in rocky and stony areas covered with plant roots. The plow cannot be damaged when any kind of obstavle is easily removed in the field. Compliant with international standarts, the mounting system for our plows can be attached to any brand of tractor. The plow can be made from 2 to 6 moldboards. The upper part of the plow is made of a special material, the automation and the surfaces in contact with the ground are reinforced with a reinforcing system. The plow does not accumulate dirt and can be cleaned easily by scraping.



Chassis Height 75 80
Chassis Depth 85 95
Width Working 30-35-40-45 35-40-45-50
Depth Working 36 40
Weight (3) kg 945 980
Weight (4) kg 1172 1240
Weight (5) kg 1370 1436
Required Power (3) ch 80-90 85-100
Required Power (4) ch 90-110 95-115
Required Power (5) ch 110-150 110-160